Friday, September 10, 2010


A:  wonder how much domo makes an hour hmmm
B ask e
msg him i dare u lol
A he'll ignore it
give me a weird look
B haha ooh i want tequila
A meee 2
B isaac feels uncomfortable sitting next to domo
A what's domo's email
maybe he'll pull an isaac and wait until hes drunk to tell us his hourly pay..
good thing theres a bottle of tequila on the table
he needs a booster seat
B i know hmmm
i dont know what to use
haha no pillows or padding
gay told me kris got a dollar raise for his position
B i said, " eli domo might want tequila"
he goes, "that's domo's breakfast"
A hahahah
B beer!
so good
A mmmmm! and its only 420!
A me: itchy scalp, message domo and ask him how much he makes
Itchy Scalp:  hahaha
he gets paid in kittens
B jus say
so bring in ur cat to feed domo
B tequilaaaaaaaaa
u made him twirl his hair more
so violent right now look!
he's diggin in to his scalp
its going to b leed!
A and doms will have to get out of his seat
and catch droplets of blood
into his mouth 
B:  dandruff coated blood
A its like coconut
B and some blonde brown hairballs
A oooo his fave
B i wonder what itchy would do to domo
when drunk
A ewwwwwaahhh
lots of dirty dirty things
maybe talk to him
bet hes got lots of questions
B and try to take his stuffing
A we all go back to work on monday
and hes nothing but flat and carpety
B flat like floor rag!
A e cries..
cuts him open
and wears him as a hat
A itchy's chin seems quite plump as of late
B yes i noticed
super dbl chin action going on
is he storing alcohol in there?
A yep
saves it for later
B he sips it slowly
purges it up from his chin from time to time
A takes scooplets behind his jaw using his tounge
wonder what kind of alcohol he stores in there
maybe a little bit of everything
B haha but yea...eeeew fat dbl chin so unattractive!
A and last sunday's barf
all mixed in one
B yeah
maybe included some pictures of boys in there
so he can lick
while drinking
so thats y its bulgy
A maybe a strand of dirty al's hair
B and some water from last party's shower at ur house
saving essence of that boy
A some things cannot be explained
B and isaac is one of the unexplainables

B:  itchy scalp:  burp the beer
whats with all the domo.  so much domo.  too much domo for one man
A:  are you saying
you can't handle all this domo-ness?
too domo-licious for you?
i guess you are not ready for domo-jelly
B did u have beer?
A:  yep! 1/2 a corona
B itchy scalp:  im a jelly hater
A ouch
which means he prefers the peanut butter!
B the brown stuff
A nice and thick
B and sticks on the roof of ur mouth
A so he calls his cat over
to help him clean it off
B hahaahahhahahahahahaha
poor cat
A his only true friend
B the stuff he makes him do
while drunk
A aww
B probably feeds him alcohol
here cat take a shot with me
A kitters wishes he could escape! but no
itchy lays down with his mouth open filled with beer and lures his cat over to take licks till its dry.. until their tongue touches 
B:  sip sip from my tongue
then the cat licks wit sandpaper tongue
on this tongue
they combine
his cat is male too
he is going for the peanut butter pretz!@
B haha he slides the peanut butter further into his mouth
so the cat can stick his tongue in further
A and further
B deep throating it
A oh kitters!!
only u know all the right spots
B u purr and vibrate in the right places
A bet he misses him now
thus the reason he went straight for the pb squares
B he might store it in his chin
to let his cat lick later
the peanut butter
chin storage begins
A chomp chomp chomp
compress it
get as much as he can in!
B complicated process
he eats the pretzel part
but stores the peanut butter filling
A esp because it gets all try
and stuck between his teeth
good thing kitters can get deep in the crevices
domo might get offended
B omg
A or turned on even?
B maybe he's imaging eating domo
little domo squares!

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