B: ask e
msg him i dare u lol
A: he'll ignore it
give me a weird look
B: haha ooh i want tequila
B: isaac feels uncomfortable sitting next to domo
A: what's domo's email
maybe he'll pull an isaac and wait until hes drunk to tell us his hourly pay..
good thing theres a bottle of tequila on the table
he needs a booster seat
B: i know hmmm
i dont know what to use
haha no pillows or padding
gay told me kris got a dollar raise for his position
B: i said, " eli domo might want tequila"
he goes, "that's domo's breakfast"
A: mmmmm! and its only 420!
: me: itchy scal
p, message domo and ask him how much he makes
Itchy Scalp: hahaha
he gets paid in kittens
B: jus say
so bring in ur cat to feed domo
u made him twirl his hair more
so violent right now look!
he's diggin in to his scalp
its going to b leed!
A: and doms will have to get out of his seat
and catch droplets of blood
into his mouth
B: dandruff coated blood
B: and some blonde brown hairballs
B: i wonder what itchy would do to domo
A: ewwwwwaahhh
lots of dirty dirty things
maybe talk to him
bet hes got lots of questions
B: and try to take his stuffing
A: we all go back to work on monday
and hes nothing but flat and carpety
A: e cries..
cuts him open
and wears him as a hat
A: itchy's chin seems quite plump as of late
B: yes i noticed
super dbl chin action going on
is he storing alcohol in there?
B: he sips it slowly
purges it up from his chin from time to time
A: takes scooplets behind his jaw using his tounge
wonder what kind of alcohol he stores in there
maybe a little bit of everything
B: haha but yea...eeeew fat dbl chin so unattractive!
A: and last sunday's barf
all mixed in one
B: yeah
maybe included some pictures of boys in there
so he can lick
while drinking
so thats y its bulgy
A: maybe a strand of dirty al's hair
B: and some water from last party's shower at ur house
saving essence of that boy
A: some things cannot be explained
B: and isaac is one of the unexplainables
B: itchy scalp: burp the beer
whats with all the domo. so much domo. too much domo for one man
A: are you saying
you can't handle all this domo-ness?
too domo-licious for you?
i guess you are not ready for domo-jelly
B: did u have beer?
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